boomer77paperhand sale days
    Updated 2021-11-03
    with raw as (select token_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by token_id ORDER BY block_timestamp asc) AS sale_number, date(block_timestamp) as date_sold, price, price_usd, tx_currency
    from ethereum.nft_events
    where contract_address = '0x9a534628b4062e123ce7ee2222ec20b86e16ca8f' --mekaverse
    and event_type = 'sale' and price is not null

    first_sale as (select token_id, max(price) as price_1st, price_usd as max_price_usd, date_sold as date_sold_max
    from raw
    where sale_number in (1,2)
    group by 1,3,4), --a

    min_sale as (select token_id, min(price) as min_sold, price_usd as min_price_usd, date_sold as date_sold_min
    from raw
    where sale_number > 1
    group by 1,3,4), --c

    final as (select a.token_id, a.price_1st, c.min_sold, (a.price_1st - c.min_sold) as net_price, concat('-',net_price) as nett_price, (c.min_price_usd - a.max_price_usd) as net_price_usd,
    a.date_sold_max, c.date_sold_min, (c.date_sold_min - a.date_sold_max) as days_between_sold,
    when c.min_sold < a.price_1st then 'paperhands'
    else 'no-paperhand' end as min_sale
    from first_sale a
    join min_sale c on a.token_id = c.token_id
    order by 4 desc
    limit 100)

    select days_between_sold, count(token_id)
    from final
    group by 1
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