boomer77prep for flight wormhole
    Updated 2022-01-19
    with raw as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, tx_id, msg_value:sender::string as sender,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:recipient_chain::string as chain, case
    when chain = 1 then 'solana'
    when chain = 2 then 'ethereum'
    when chain = 4 then 'BSC'
    when chain = 5 then 'polygon'
    when chain = 6 then 'avalanche'
    when chain = 7 then 'oasis'
    else null end as chains,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:amount as amount,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:info:token:contract_addr::string as assets, case
    when assets = 'terra1ce06wkrdm4vl6t0hvc0g86rsy27pu8yadg3dva' then 'weUSDT'
    when assets = 'terra1vlqeghv5mt5udh96kt5zxlh2wkh8q4kewkr0dd' then 'whUSDT'
    when assets = 'terra1eqvq3thjhye7anv6f6mhxpjhyvww8zjvqcdgjx' then 'whUSDT.e'
    when assets = 'terra1j6ucs4fwnvgfqu68klss77yzhru8tt7eryh44z' then 'whMIM'
    when assets = 'terra14tl83xcwqjy0ken9peu4pjjuu755lrry2uy25r' then 'weWETH' --8
    when assets = 'terra1aa7upykmmqqc63l924l5qfap8mrmx5rfdm0v55' then 'weWBTC' --8
    when assets = 'terra1hzh9vpxhsk8253se0vv5jj6etdvxu3nv8z07zu' then 'aUST'
    when assets = 'terra1cetg5wruw2wsdjp7j46rj44xdel00z006e9yg8' then 'wbWBNB' -- 8
    when assets = 'terra1t9ul45l7m6jw6sxgvnp8e5hj8xzkjsg82g84ap' then 'wsstSOL' -- 8
    when assets = 'terra1jlh9xlyahg2d2qwat8jl4evqzuua452dafzqs5' then 'whWETH'
    when assets = 'terra13awdgcx40tz5uygkgm79dytez3x87rpg4uhnvu' then 'PLY'
    when assets = 'terra1mddcdx0ujx89f38gu7zspk2r2ffdl5enyz2u03' then 'ORION'
    when assets = 'terra1gdapfuda0dxtjc98raemhszntcxty7chyr0wpd' then 'whORION'
    when assets = 'terra127ww0al7uj9vyg7cv2gtcqenhrjzlnq5vaq6dh' then 'whUST'
    when assets = 'terra1yljlrxvkar0c6ujpvf8g57m5rpcwl7r032zyvu' then 'whUSDC'
    when assets = 'terra1tuleqeucunvs9rga3dq5h35ew3ml8uv9a4snzx' then 'whMIR'
    when assets = 'terra1skjr69exm6v8zellgjpaa2emhwutrk5a6dz7dd' then 'whBUSD'
    when assets = 'terra190tqwgqx7s8qrknz6kckct7v607cu068gfujpk' then 'wsSOL'
    when assets = 'terra1fme0uqgjucph3kelyejm6yuj60e4te8647gx6v' then 'whLUNA'
    when assets = 'terra193c42lfwmlkasvcw22l9qqzc5q2dx208tkd7wl' then 'BTL'
    when assets = 'terra1xu3nyee55dfe5vxqtg9m4rkex8u2t6n2etl08h' then 'whUSDT_PoS'
    when assets = 'terra1e6mq63y64zcxz8xyu5van4tgkhemj3r86yvgu4' then 'wh1'
    when assets = 'terra1g4x2pzmkc9z3mseewxf758rllg08z3797xly0n' then 'mABNB'
    when assets = 'terra1hd9n65snaluvf7en0p4hqzse9eqecejz2k8rl5' then 'wh2'
    when assets = 'terra1rczfygz4gyh9ux7kpdf0u32hjgck44wqura00n' then 'whUSDC'
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