    Updated 2022-06-11
    with steth as (select hour, token_address, 'stETH' as symbol, price as stETH_price
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where token_address = lower('0xDFe66B14D37C77F4E9b180cEb433d1b164f0281D')),

    eth as (select hour, token_address, 'ETH' as symbol, price as ETH_price
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where token_address = lower('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2'))

    select a.hour, a.steth_price, b.ETH_price, round((a.steth_price/b.eth_price),4) as "stETH/ETH peg"
    from steth a
    left join eth b on a.hour = b.hour
    Run a query to Download Data