boomer77sol fees
    Updated 2023-04-07
    with fee as (select date_trunc('hour', block_timestamp) as dt, avg(fee/1e9) as avg_fees,
    sum(fee/1e9) as total_fees,
    count(distinct tx_id) as tx
    from solana.core.fact_transactions
    where succeeded = 'true' and date(block_timestamp) >= current_date - 8
    group by 1),

    price as (select recorded_hour as dt, close as price
    from solana.core.ez_token_prices_hourly
    where date(recorded_hour) >= current_date - 8 and symbol = 'sol')

    select a.dt, a.avg_fees, a.total_fees, a.tx, b.price, (a.avg_fees*b.price) as avg_fees_usd,
    (a.total_fees*b.price) as total_fees_usd
    from fee a
    left join price b on a.dt = b.dt
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