boomer77hellcats overview
    Updated 2023-04-05
    with hc as (select *
    from polygon.core.ez_nft_transfers
    where project_name = 'HellCats'),

    pay as (select *
    from polygon.core.ez_matic_transfers
    where tx_hash in (select tx_hash from hc) and identifier = 'CALL_ORIGIN'),

    hcsales as (select a.block_timestamp, a.event_index, a.event_type, a.nft_address,
    a.nft_from_address,a.nft_to_address, a.project_name, a.tokenid, a.tx_hash,
    b.amount, b.amount_usd
    from hc a
    left join pay b on a.tx_hash = b.tx_hash
    where b.amount is not null
    order by 1 desc)

    select datediff(day, '2022-09-07', current_date) as days, count(distinct tx_hash) as sales_tx,
    sum(amount) as sales_matic, sum(amount_usd) as sales_usd, count(distinct nft_to_address) as
    buyer_count, count(distinct nft_from_address) as seller_count
    from hcsales
    order by 1 desc

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