boomer77chai vol
    Updated 2021-09-12
    with payments as
    date_trunc('month', block_timestamp) as block_month,
    sum(event_amount) as volume_KRT, event_currency,
    sum(event_amount_usd) Volume_USD, count (DISTINCT tx_id) as Transactions_Count
    FROM terra.transfers
    WHERE (event_from_address_label = 'chai'
    OR event_to_address_label = 'chai') and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED' and event_amount is not null and event_amount_usd is not null and block_month between '2021-03-01' and '2021-08-01'
    group by 1,3
    order by 1 desc

    select *
    from payments
    order by 1 desc