Sushiswap User LP Inflows

    Sushiswap is a decentralized exchange that uses liquidity pool as assets which are available for users to swap. So, users can add liquidity, usually in a pair of same amount, for example WETH-USDC and receive Sushi LP (SLP) tokens which represents your share of the pool. Every time another users use the pool to swap from $WETH to $USDC, 0.25% is taken from that trade and distributed to LP providers. In this dashboard we will take a look at number of users who has provided liquidity for the first time in the last 90 days.


    First let's take a look at daily count of providing liquidity transactions and LP provider for the past 90 days. The highest count was seen in 13th October and 14th October with almost 950 LP transactions and over 800 LPers.

    Now we take a look at first time of providing LP for any address and the percentage of first time LP over total LP provided. We can see highest number of address provided on same date as highest total add LP transactions. On that day, we also see that it has highest percentage of new users provided LP. I did some googling at it seems that on 13th October, Sushiswap celebrated its 1st year after initial launch. Recently, we see that the number of LP provider as first time also decreasing.