Synth Activity

    In this dashboard, we will show the overview of synth activity on THORChain. Synths is the synthetic version of an asset but it exists as native token on THORChain. So, users can trade assets cheaply and easily between synths on THORSwap.

    First let's take a look at what assets has been the most popular among synths users. The bar graph below shows the top assets with highest volume minted up until today. BUSD is the most minted synths currently, followed by BTC, UST, ETH and USDC. It seems that BTC, ETH and stablecoins are the most popular synths minted so far.


    Now, let's take a look at the top synths assets swapped from. And we can see that BUSD remains the most popular synths swapped to $RUNE, followed by BTC and UST. A quarter of total swap from synths was involving $BUSD synths.


    Graph below shows the daily swap volume from synths assets to $RUNE grouped by different synth assets. We can see that end of March the volume spiked a bit and the volume also increasing in the last few days.

    In conclusion, synths is a great feature for trading because of the low fees which is why we are seeing quite some trade volume involving synths assets. This is good especially with crypto assets because the price is very volatile and synths will be a good option for trade or short term holding.