Terra Fees & transaction volume correlation

    From Terra docs, Gas is a fee that is added on to each transaction to avoid spamming. Validators set minimum gas prices and reject transactions that have implied gas prices below this threshold. At the end of every block, the compute fees are disbursed to the participating validators pro-rata to stake. In this dashboard, we will focus on the gas fees being paid for every swap transactions. We will also try to find the correlation of terra fees with the swap volume transactions.

    The graph below shows the ratio of daily fees collected to swap volume. We can see that the ratio are quite stable most of the time which shows the correlation between the swap volume and fees.

    The graph below shows the sum of fees collected in USD and also the sum of USD amount offered in the swap every day.

    Based from the graph, we can see the spike on fees when swap volume spikes. There is correlation between the transaction volume and fees.
