Transactions Outflows
Graph below shows the outflow transaction of LFG address. There has been 6 different transactions which are;
Feb 11th: 9.5M $LUNA burned into $UST and used to fund yield reserve.
Feb 16th: 19.5M $LUNA were vested to few different addresses. This was to raise funds from different VCs to buy $1.1B worth of $BTC.
Feb 28th: 6.2M $LUNA swapped to $UST and sent to Wormhole wrapped registry.
March 4th: 5M $LUNA was burned and $UST minted to balance Curve pool.
March 8th: 5.5M $LUNA swapped to $UST and sent to Wormhole wrapped registry.
March 10th: 4.2M $LUNA was burned and $UST minted to balance Curve pool.