Terra LFG

    LFG is a Luna Foundation Guard, which is an organisation founded and dedicated to supporting a vibrant community of blockchain innovators committed to developing a decentralized global economy. In this dashboard, we will take a look at some transactions that has been made to/from LFG address.


    Graph below shows the daily balance of Terra LFG address. We can see that most of Terra LFG holdings are in $LUNA. The address was injected with over $3B worth (50M of $LUNA) on 22nd January this year. Today, the holdings worth just over $1B only which means over $2B+ has been used thus far.

    Transactions Inflows

    Let's investigate the inflows of fund into LFG address. TFL sent funds to LFG address twice since the address created which are 50M $LUNA and 12M $LUNA on Jan 21st and March 11th respectively.


    Transactions Outflows

    Graph below shows the outflow transaction of LFG address. There has been 6 different transactions which are;

    Feb 11th: 9.5M $LUNA burned into $UST and used to fund yield reserve.

    Feb 16th: 19.5M $LUNA were vested to few different addresses. This was to raise funds from different VCs to buy $1.1B worth of $BTC.

    Feb 28th: 6.2M $LUNA swapped to $UST and sent to Wormhole wrapped registry.

    March 4th: 5M $LUNA was burned and $UST minted to balance Curve pool.

    March 8th: 5.5M $LUNA swapped to $UST and sent to Wormhole wrapped registry.

    March 10th: 4.2M $LUNA was burned and $UST minted to balance Curve pool.

    Yield Reserve

    One of the main transaction made by LFG was to topup the depleting yield reserve on Anchor Protocol. We can see that in graph below on Feb 18th, yield reserve went up from 22M to 506M. The 9.5M $LUNA was burned over the week and the $UST minted was sent to yield reserve address, terra1tmnqgvg567ypvsvk6rwsga3srp7e3lg6u0elp8.


    $UST Supply

    $UST total supply has grown exponentially and much of the growth was contributed by $LUNA burnt by LFG.
