TERRA: Voting Records

    Voting history is one of the important metrics that you must take a look before deciding which validator to delegate your $LUNA. For this dashboard, I take a look at two of my recent favourite validators; Smart Stake (because it provide best statistics and tool for your due diligence and Galactic Lounge (by Galactic Punks NFT because it's NFT szn!!!!!).


    Graph below shows the voting timeline of voting records by Galactic Lounge and Smart Stake. We can see that Smart Stake has been around since early days while Galactic Lounge was only introduced recently. Smart Stake has missed quite some votings and same goes for Galactic Lounge.

    1 - Vote Yes

    2- Voted No

    3- Voted Abstain

    Smart Stake has 15 votes because they voted few times and with different voting options. Please refer next table for reference.


    Both GL and SS voted NO on Proposal 145 which is 'Community Grant Proposal for User Outreach and Onboarding to Terra' and the proposal got rejected; and Proposal 142, titled 'UST Liquidity Mining Incentives' which also did not passed. SS also voted 'No' on proposal 82. Burn all funds in the Community Pool which did not passed.
