THORChain Pool Sizes
In this dashboard, we will take a look at pool size depth in term of Total Value Locked (TVL) and number of liquidity providers to the pool.
First, we take a look at TVL of each pool on THORSwap denominated in both $RUNE and USD. The missing value are during the time where THORChain went offline because of the hack. Soon after the gap, we see the TVL increase linearly over day by day until 16th September. During this period, I believe THORChain still offline but the rewards was start to be distributed hence we seeing constant increasing. Currently today, the TVL is shy under 300M USD.
On THORChain (& THORSwap), when you do a swap between two native token, token A will first be swapped to native $RUNE and then will be swapped to Token B. Hence, you need to provide Assets like BTC, ETH, BNB and also $RUNE to the pool. But, THORSwap also allow one sided liquidity to be provided ie you can provide $RUNE only or $BTC only. Sometime, they will incentives LP provider to provide on lesser side to balance the pool. We can see the TVL below separated by asset provided and $RUNE provided.
Now let's take a look at unique number of LP provider daily. On July 2nd, we see the highest number of distinct LP provider with more than 1200. Most of them provided to ETH.xRUNE pool. And then, because of the hack, no one was able to access THORChain and provide liquidity from 2nd July until recently on 21st October. Since THORCHain went back online, the highest number of LP provider is around 400 on 25th Oct with most of them provided to BNB.BUSD and BNB.BNB.
If we separate by pools, we can see that BTC.BTC is the highest pool being supplied with more than 70M USD and 1438 unique LP provider. ETH.xRUNE has second highest provider count with 1320 but ETH.ETH has the second highest volume with around 60M USD.