THORChain Swap Size Distribution

    In this dashboard, we will seperate swap size into few categories according to the swap size. The categories are: 1. Less than $100 2. Less than $1,000 3. Less than $10,000 4. Less than $100,000 5. Less than $1,000,000 6. Over $1,000,000 This dashboard focused on transactions that happen in the past 30 days.

    First, let's take a look at the daily distribution of swap size. Most of the swaps daily belongs to category 3 (less than 10K) and category 4 (less than 100K) which is surprising to me because I have never made a swap transaction over $1,000 (coz that's literally my net worth lol). In the past 30 days, there has been only 3 transaction of over $1M as you can see in Swap Size Count Daily graph below. However, categories 3 swap size has been increasing the past few weeks.


    Swap Size Distribution by Blockchain.


    Now, let's take a look at swap size distribution by blockchain. The volume and transaction count was taken for the past 30 days data. As you can see from first graph below, BNB has the highest volume and also transaction count by large margin, followed by THOR and then ETH. Most of transaction (70%) of BNB come from category 3 while for THOR, ETH and BTC involves category 4. This is because BNB offers dirt cheap fees thus more retail and broke users can participate.