THORCHAIN: Net Swapping Rations

    THORSwap is the main DEX on THORChain blockchain. On this DEX, users are able to swap between two different native assets on different blockchains. The swap however has to be swapped through Native $RUNE on THORChain, meaning for native BTC-ETH swap, users will swap BTC to native $RUNE, and the native $RUNE will be swapped for native $ETH. In this dashboard, we will compare the ratio of swap to volume over swap from volume (ie volume Asset A - BTC / BTC - Asset A volume; given that Asset A = any assets).


    From graph below, we can see that native $RUNE has the most swap to and swap from volume for the past 30 days. It is expected to see $RUNE as the most swapped asset as it is required for most of the trades. ETH.HOT and ETH.ALCX has 0 to volume.

    PAST 30 Days

    Graph below shows the ratio of swap to volume/swap from volume for each assets. The formula used for the ratio is ( ((swap to/swap from) - 1) / 1)


    Graph below is the swap to volume over swap from volume for each assets available for past 30 days. ETH.CREAM has highest swap to/swap from volume with swap to volume weighs 5.64x over swap from volume. Native $RUNE has ratio of 1 which means volume swap to is equal/almost equal to swap from.



    Graph below illustrates the monthly ratio of swap to/swap from volume for all assets available on THORSwap.

    For weekly ratio, we can see that top assets like BTC.BTC, BNB.BNB, BNB.ETH, THOR.RUNE, ETH.ETH, BNB.BTCB stays at close to 1 while other assets fluctuates. New assets like $XRUNE and $THOR tends to spike very high after introduction.

    WEEKLY Performance of Top Assets with Most Liquidity Currently
