Top Delegator Overlap

    As of today (14th August), there are 49782 unique addresses that staked at least 0.1 their $LUNA token to validators.

    In conclusion, the top 25 address with most staked LUNA diversify their allocation to most of validators. Me, a small fish allocates most of my LUNA to flipside because I love doing their bounty :)


    Let's dive a bit deeper into top 1 delegations. This whale allocates on average ~1.1M LUNA tokens to 40 different validators. The most delegation is to validator 'blocksteady' with ~1.5M LUNA.

    Then we also see our top 5's delegations. This is quite interesting because our top 1 address with the most staked LUNA also happen to be the most diversified with 40 different validators while others in top 5 only delegates to a single or two validators.


    The table below shows all the validators that the top 25 addresses delegated to. There are 70 validators involved out of 132 total active validators.


    So who does these top 25 delegators delegate their token to ?

    These top 25 delegators staked a total of 141,712,029.58 LUNA token. The overall staked LUNA is 370.14 M (as per so top 25 delegators delegates more than 1/3 of LUNA staked.


    Let us first take a look at the top 25 delegators by volume. The table below shows the list according to amount of LUNA staked.