Top LDO Holders

    In this dashboard, we will analyze the top ERC-20 $LDO token holders. From there, we will also investigate who those addresses belong to and how do they obtain $LDO (bought vs airdropped).


    Graph below shows the current top 15 ERC-20 $LDO holders on Ethereum network. The address with highest $LDO belongs to Lido DAO Treasury with over 170M+ $LDO worth around 179M USD today.


    And out of those top 15 holders, 14 of them has been airdropped $LDO by this address, 0xf73a1260d222f447210581ddf212d915c09a3249 which was labelled as Lido: Aragon Token Manager. The only address that did not receive address was the 14th ranked, which belongs to CEX Binance which make sense to not receive any airdrop.

    In conclusion, the top $LDO holder currently is the Lido DAO treasury, and other 13 address has received airdrop $LDO. 1 address that does not receive airdrop belongs to Binance.