UniswapV3 $wBTC-$USDC 0.3%

    In this dashboard, we will explore the performance of $wBTC-$USDC 0.3% pool on Uniswap V3 in the past 30 days. $wBTC is the wrapped ERC-721 version of Bitcoin which can be traded on Ethereum network and $USDC is one of the most popular and established stablecoin in the business so this pair are the OG pair. This pair was first created on 5th May 2021 which is on the same day Uniswap V3 launched. Pool address: 0x99ac8ca7087fa4a2a1fb6357269965a2014abc35 Blockchain: Ethereum mainnet Timeframe: Past 30 days.

    Notable observations;

    We noticed that the TVL for has doubled since past month where the TVL is only around $24M USD in early April. on April 15th, the TVL suddenly spiked which causes the imbalance in pool ratio of $wBTC and $USDC since.


    First, let's go through the TVL of $wBTC-$USDC pool in the past month. The total value locked shows the value of both tokens that are currently deposited by the liquidity providers into the pool. High TVL could show how trustworthy a protocol/LP pool is. Currently, $wBTc-$USDC 0.3% Pool is ranked 7th highest $USDC pair (and 11th overall Uniswap V3 Pools) with over $55m USD locked in the pool.
