UST-LUNA Highway

    In this dashboard, we will investigate 4 main metrics of native swaps on Terra which are the daily volume for; 1. The $LUNA burn ($LUNA swapped to stablecoins) 2. The $LUNA mint (stablecoins swapped for $LUNA) 3. The $UST burn ($UST swapped for $LUNA) 4. The $UST mint ($LUNA swapped to $UST). The metrics will be queried from start of this year until today.


    Graph below shows the daily $LUNA burn and mint. On average, the average daily burn for this year-to-date is around 920k $LUNA while for average daily mint is 82k.

    The next graph is the daily $UST burn and mint. On average for year 2022, daily $UST burn is 5.9M while daily $UST mint is 71M $UST.

    In conclusion, from the first two graph, we can basically see the bull case for both $LUNA and $UST. Can you imagine that on average, the supply of $LUNA has been decreasing by 830,000 and $UST growing by 65M each day. Both $LUNA and $UST will play important roles in decentralized economy.
