Transaction Fees

    How many transaction fees are being paid out each day for the past 30 days? Does a certain type of transaction result in a greater amount of fees being collected?


    Each transaction ID in the tables may be repeated several times, and although the transaction ID is the same, the other columns are different. Some transactions may have more than a hundred records in the table, so we chose a limited number of them that seemed to do the main action. These actions include Delegate, Redelegate, Burn, Transfer, Coin_Spant and Message. Also, in the table below, we have shown the number of all actions, but as we said, we have selected six actions for transaction fees analysis.

    Fees per day

    In the following, for each of these six actions that we have selected, we have calculated the payment fee chart for them every day.


    Sum and mean

    In the following, we have obtained the total amount of paid fees and the average amount of fees for these six actions, and we have drawn the following. The three actions( Transfer, Message and Coin_Spant), seem to be closely related because the feess for these three types of transactions are exactly the same. The subject can be understood both from the table and from the diagrams below
