mansaVoting Activity Classification
    Updated 2022-06-21
    with voting_act as (
    event_inputs:proposalId as ProposalNumber,
    sum(IFF(event_inputs:support::string = 1, event_inputs:votes,0)) as Yes_votes,
    sum(IFF(event_inputs:support::string = 0, event_inputs:votes, 0)) as No_votes,
    event_inputs:voter as users,
    sum(event_inputs:votes) as LN_NFT
    from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    where lower(contract_address) = lower('0x5d2C31ce16924C2a71D317e5BbFd5ce387854039')
    and event_name = 'VoteCast'
    group by ProposalNumber, users

    sum(case when LN_NFT <= 1 then 1 end) as Placton,
    sum (case when LN_NFT >= 2 and LN_NFT <= 3 then 1 end) as Crab,
    sum (case when LN_NFT > 3 and LN_NFT <= 5 then 1 end) as Shark,
    sum (case when LN_NFT > 5 then 1 end) as Whale
    from voting_act
    group by ProposalNumber
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