nitsTCR sent daily
    Updated 2022-03-01
    SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT tx_from_address) as unique_senders,
    sum(total_tcr_tokens) as total_tcr_sent,
    sum(total_tcr_sent) over (order by day) as cumulative_total_tcr_sent
    (SELECT *,
    EVENT_INPUTS:value/pow(10,18) as total_tcr_tokens
    from ethereum.events_emitted
    tx_to_address ilike '0xA84918F3280d488EB3369Cb713Ec53cE386b6cBa'
    and total_tcr_tokens is not NULL and event_name = 'Transfer'
    GROUP by 1
    order by day desc
    -- and total_tcr_tokens < pow(10,8)
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