Team12-miniproject2-Gazers analysis
Gazers is a special collection of 1,000 digital artworks created by Matt Kane, and they exist on the Ethereum blockchain. Each piece in the Gazers collection is tied to the moon's phases and lunar calendar, starting with a date from the past 20 years. According to Kane, these artworks act like a lunar calendar, syncing with the actual phases of the Moon in the sky. This connection to the blockchain links Gazers to one of the longest artistic traditions in human history. The unique aspect of Gazers is that they change over time, gradually increasing their frame rate to provide a "generational experience of evolution." As time passes, the thickness of the lines in Gazers pulsates, and the design's direction evolves, subtly altering our perception of color. Every day at midnight, each layer and color in Gazers receives new instructions on how to change or shine over the next 24 hours. Essentially, Gazers is a living artwork designed to adapt to our physical living spaces. This innovative project was hosted on Art Blocks, adding to the growing intersection of art and blockchain technology.