binhachon | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Sep 19, 2021
    24. [Easy] Unique Addresses - Total
    8. [Hard] Trading by time - Base query
    Transaction Failure - Overview
    Untitled Query
    84. [Hard] Governance Participation - Distribution
    2. [Medium] Monthly Swap Volume - Percentage wise
    Prep for Flight - Will they still use Shuttle bridge after
    Daily stETH Metrics - #1
    Top Kashi Pairs III
    3. How many Flipside analysts (who participated in our ENS bounties) went on to buy an ENS name? What percent? - Hardcode
    Terra LP-ers: Aftermath - Swap
    The Road So Far, Mvmt. I: Validators - Governance distribution
    142. Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies? - Top 10 last month
    48. DOGE-RUNE LP-ers - Withdrew liquidity or not?
    The Rise of DeGods - Metadata key and value
    Cosmic Champs Token Launch - Number of actions
    RocketPool Recent Activity
    2. Visualize governance staking of $MINE over time - Base query
    30. [Hard] Sankey Swap Diagrams - Labels
    Fractionalized Dragons - Sample transactions
    Market Module - API
    Flipside Algorand Wallet Behavior - Creation time
    Outbound Traffic - UST
    Katana Covered Call Vault Popularity - BTC vault
    4. [Elite] Paradrop Airdrop Assessment - Airdrop worth
    Sushi rewards distribution - How much is left
    104. [Elite] Binance Comparison - Volume - Shuttle bridge histogram
    NFDomains - #4
    Moonbirds Gas Fees - Compare with Shinsei Galverse Official
    What Happens To Liquidated Collateral?
    1. Weigh Anchor (Users) - top 100 number of tx
    Highest Sales Volume - #1
    LUNA & Drawdowns - recovery period #2
    Untitled Query
    Getting Your Feet Wet, Part 2 - Protocols with stats - Users
    The Merge - Storage diffs summary
    Active Addresses - #3
    ALGOxNFT Marketplace - #4
    1M New Algorand Wallets In May - #2