kenobi9270 | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Oct 29, 2021
    both volume
    another swap
    Untitled Query
    Most popular ASAs held by Wallets Created in 2022
    Daily Number of swappers - swaps
    USD : (USD value)
    The LUNA Total Supply and LUNA non-circulating supply : 90 days
    The LUNA Total Supply and LUNA non-circulating supply : 30 days
    Daily fees accumulation
    Sushiswap's LPs : deposited
    تبدیل یو اس تی به کوجی
    Sushiswap's LPs concentration evolving : withdrew
    Solport's Taiyo Robotics sales
    Terra to the wormhole
    $COSG volume : daily swap from
    ALGO Transactions
    $COSG volume : daily swap to
    The LUNA Total Supply and LUNA non-circulating supply : 60 days
    Algo Balances of swapping wallets
    top 10 wallets successfully earning more USDT or USDC
    Number of swappers - swaps
    Distribution of rewards payout
    Stage 2 - Earn
    Sushiswap's USD LPs
    USD : (quantity)
    Anchor Emissions solution query
    Cung cấp UST vào Nhóm khởi động MARS-UST
    to cex
    pool related to increase of mints
    دیپازیت یو اس تی برای بید گذاشتن
    DAI most used for-first
    Untitled Query
    weekly swap volume and LP rewards
    unlocked SBR
    Including outside the governance commitment period : minted gALGO3