leo-lZzln2Total Volume of ETH Staked on Each Platform
    Updated 2022-10-21
    select date_trunc('month',block_timestamp) as month, sum(amount) as eth_vol, count(distinct eth_from_address) as staker_count, count(tx_hash) as stake_count,
    sum(amount_usd) as eth_vol_usd,
    SUM(eth_vol) OVER (order by month asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Cummulative_eth_vol,
    SUM(staker_count) OVER (order by month asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Cummulative_staker_count,
    SUM(stake_count) OVER (order by month asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Cummulative_stake_count, case
    when eth_to_address='0x84db6ee82b7cf3b47e8f19270abde5718b936670' then 'Ankr'
    when eth_to_address='0x39dc6a99209b5e6b81dc8540c86ff10981ebda29' then 'Staked.us'
    when eth_to_address='0x0194512e77d798e4871973d9cb9d7ddfc0ffd801' then 'stake.fish'
    end as platform
    from ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers
    where (
    eth_to_address='0x84db6ee82b7cf3b47e8f19270abde5718b936670' -- Ankr
    or eth_to_address='0x39dc6a99209b5e6b81dc8540c86ff10981ebda29' --staked.us
    or eth_to_address='0x0194512e77d798e4871973d9cb9d7ddfc0ffd801' --stakefish
    group by 1,9
    order by 1
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