boomer77Untitled Query
    Updated 2021-11-11
    with uniswap AS
    (select avg(token0_balance_adjusted)/avg(token0_balance_usd) as ust_uni, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as days
    from uniswapv3.pool_stats
    where token0_symbol = 'UST' and token1_symbol = 'USDT'
    group by 2),

    oracle as (select avg(price_usd) as UST_terra, currency, symbol, date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as days
    from terra.oracle_prices
    where symbol = 'UST'
    group by 2,3,4)

    select A.UST_uni, B.days, B.UST_terra
    from uniswap A
    join oracle B on A.days = B.days
    order by 2 desc