thomas | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Mar 4, 2022
    part1 Friktion Scavenger Hunt (Vietnamese)
    Flow Scavenger Hunt
    Osmo hunt- swap atom
    Wormhole Scavenger Hunt: From Terra to Solana-redeem
    The SQL for the amount of ALGOs moved from CEXs:
    Prism Scavenger Hunt (Mandarin)
    Getting Started With Marinade Finance Bounties-q1
    Arbitrum Scavenger Hunt-stake
    liquidity osmo-osmo hunt
    Question 1. How many unique wallets have staked SOL on Marinade in the month of March? Create a visualization using Velocity to show user adoption per day in March.
    Question 2. How much mSOL has been deposited into the single-side MNDE pool in the month of March? Create a visualization using Velocity that shows mSOL deposits per day in March.
    Wormhole Scavenger Hunt: From Terra to Solana-send
    Flow Scavenger Hunt: Flowverse (June 29)
    Sushiswap Bentobox Scavenger Hunt
    Sushiswap Bentobox Borrowing Scavenger Hunt (Farsi)
    Mars Protocol Lockdrop Scavenger Hunt
    Getting Started With Marinade Finance Bounties-q2
    The SQL for the amount of ALGOs moved to CEXs
    Sushiswap Bentobox Borrowing Scavenger Hunt (May 11)
    Getting Started With Terra Bounties (March 24)
    part 2Friktion Scavenger Hunt (Vietnamese)
    Arbitrum Scavenger Hunt-swap
    Kujira Scavenger Hunt (April 8)